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Journeys Italy 2023

28 November - 1 December 2023 

Sina Brufani, Perugia, Italy

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This event was exclusively for 35 Italian private sector businesses operating in the luxury segment, meeting up to 35 buyers from the all important North American (US, Canada and Mexico). Supported by Regione Umbria the programme was held in the beautiful Umbrian cities of Perugia, Assisi and Gubbio. 


Sina Brufani Perugia, and Borgobrufa hosted the 35 travel agents with meetings taking place in the convento di San Francesco di Assisi, a whole day in Gubbio at the beautiful Park Hotel Ai Cappuccini, a private tour of San Francesco di Assisi convent and Basilicata, a concert at XVI century residence Posta Donini, featuring amazing wines offered by Venturini Baldini as well as exclusive meals at il Frantoio di Assisi.


The event was organised in the  FAM-MEET® way of doing business, a new, creative, experience-based format that allows delegates to form deep and meaningful relationships whilst discovering the destination and doing business with the best local companies.


Who's attended?



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Tuesday, 28 Nov

18:30 - 20:00

Welcome drinks at Sina Brufani sponsored by Venturini Baldini

20:00 - 21:30

Welcome Dinner at La Taverna sponsored by Borgobrufa Hotel & Spa

Wednesday, 29 Nov


09:00 - 13.00

Official welcome & one-to-one meetings at Sina Brufani

13:00 - 14:30

Lunch at Sina Brufani

14:30 - 17:00

Transfer to Assisi and private tour of the Basilica and the Convento Basilica and Convento San Francesco Assisi 

17:00 - 18:30

One-to-one meetings at Convento San Francesco

20:00 - 22:00

Dinner at Il Frantoio sponsored by Comune di Assisi

Thursday, 30 Nov


10:00 - 13:00

One-to-one meetings at Park Hotel Ai Cappuccini

13:00 - 14:30

Traditional lunch at Park Hotel Ai Cappuccini

14:30 - 18:00

One-to-one meetings at Park Hotel Ai Cappuccini

19:00 - 20:30

Private concert and closing reception at Posta Donini

20:30 - 23:00

Closing dinner at Posta Donini dinner and dancing

Media Corner

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